German Maritime School
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As you may have read earlier, you can participate in the Skipper school from the age of 15 up to 32.

With the Age over 32, is still possible but i haven’t seen any examples of this. An intermediate level of German is needed.

It is a must to sign a contract with a shipping company to be hired as an apprentice, receive training, and participate in school.


Schiffer-Berufskolleg RHEIN At this school you will spend three months a year, for three years.

You will have a whole year’s worth of lessons in these three months. If you think about it, three months is quite a long time. Still, the curriculum and its presentation are elementary and to the point. You can only fail if you don’t show up for classes.

It’s very close to real life because you’ll be practising on a ship simulator or even maintaining engines. You will also practice water rescue and participate in many other exciting activities. All this with 160-200 students. You will make many new friends during this time.

Accomodation & expenses

During the three months, you will be in school or at the Schul-Schiff RHEIN in Duisburg, Germany, and you will be accommodated with all the students. Here you will receive an entire board with breakfast, lunch and dinner. After school, you will be given practical training to prepare you for the daily on board tasks.

Real-life practice

So what happens after these 3 months of school?

First, you go home on leave.

Then the company you signed up with will send you to their ships to apply what you’ve learned and further your education. During this time you will see and experience what we call ship life.

On Board you will practice and learn how to moor the ship and help the captain manoeuvre in tight spaces, and to polish, paint the vessel and much more.


But I haven’t even told you the best part yet!

These three years of schooling and grinding are worth it, and you’ll even get a monthly Salary.

First-year 750€/month

Second year 900€/month

Third year 1080€/month

That’s not bad for just studying. Young people would be more motivated if there was a similar schooling system everywhere.

Advantages and disadvantages

Speaking from my own experience, this school was one of the best decisions of my life because, like many people, I came from a poor country. With this school and salary, I could quickly create a self-sufficient and independent life.

Thanks to this school, I became 1st Captain at 27.

The disadvantage is that you can’t participate in this scheme without knowing German. Also, if you want to start when you are older, there are difficulties if you are married and with children at home and you are the only one in the household who works. Then this Salary will not be enough for you what you earn as a trainee in 3 years.

Here you can see some pictures from my school days.

If you are interested in other similar schools around Europe you can see them here.

From everything, the best part is that all the expenses are taken over by the company, which takes you as a trainee. it cost you 0€

If you like this option, choose Program1 when registering for our Sailor training program.

We will help and support you until you reach your goals.

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